امریکہ میں ہوائی سفرکرنے والوں کی سوابنگ ہوگی

مسافروں کی ایسے آلات سے تلاشی لی جائے گی اوراُنھیں ایسے میکانکی دروازوں سے گزرنا ہوگا جو چھپے ہوئے بارودی مواد کا پتا چلا سکیں گے

امریکہ میں ہوائی سفر کو زیادہ محفوظ بنانے اور دھماکہ خیز مواد کی نقل و حرکت کو روکنے کے لیے مسافروں میں سے کچھ کو سخت سکیورٹی سے گزرنا پڑے گا۔

امریکی ٹرانسپورٹ سکیورٹی انتظامیہ نے بدھ کے روز اعلان کیا کہ مسافروں کی ایسے آلات سے تلاشی لی جائے گی اور اُنھیں ایسے میکانکی دروازوں سے گزرنا ہوگا جو چھپے ہوئے بارودی مواد کا پتا چلا سکیں گے۔

ادارے کا کہنا ہے کہ جانچ پڑتال میں مسافروں کے سامان کی تلاشی لینا شامل ہے۔ اس کے علاوہ ان کی سوابنگ بھی کی جائے گی۔ یہ ہاتھوں کو گیلے کپڑے سے پونچھنے کا عمل ہوگا جس کے ذریعےہاتھ پر بچے کھچے ممکنہ بارود وغیرہ کا سراغ لگایا جا سکے گا۔

یہ تلاشی، مسافروں کے سکیورٹی سے گزرنے سے پہلے، اُس کے دوران یا اُس کے بعد کسی بھی وقت ہو سکتی ہے۔

کرسمس کے دِن امریکہ آنے والےایک طیارے کو دھماکہ خیز مواد سے اُڑانے کی ناکام کوشش کے بعد سکیورٹی کے اقدامات کو سخت کیا گیا ہے۔

Soldiers in Niger Topple President


Soldiers in Niger have carried out a coup, saying they are suspending the country's constitution and dissolving all state institutions.

A spokesman for the military junta (Colonel Goukoye Abdul Karimou) said on state television Thursday the military had to take responsibility for the country, and urged people to remain calm. He said the junta wants to turn the country into an example of democracy and good governance.

Diplomatic and military sources say armed troops stormed the presidential palace in the capital, Niamey, Thursday and seized President Mamadou Tandja as a meeting of government ministers was taking place. It is not clear where the president has been taken.

For several hours Thursday, smoke could be seen rising from the palace and witnesses reported heavy gunfire and explosions.

Political tensions have been high in Niger in recent months after President Tandja changed the constitution to extend his rule in office, a move that drew widespread criticism at home and abroad.


Niger's military junta, calling itself the Supreme Council for the Restoration of Democracy, said Thursday it had closed the country's borders and imposed an overnight curfew.

Witnesses in the capital say the streets of Niamey were largely calm by Thursday evening.

Hospital officials say at least three soldiers were killed during the attack on the presidential palace.

In Washington, a State Department spokesman said the situation was very fluid and the United States is monitoring it.

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he is also closely following developments in Niger and is receiving regular updates.

An African Union senior official, Ramtane Lamamra, expressed concern about the situation and said the AU was closely following what is going on.

Last year, President Tandja held a referendum to change the constitution and extend his rule, which had been due to expire at the end of 2009.

When Niger's parliament and constitutional court said the referendum was illegal, President Tandja dismissed both and ruled by decree.

In response, the European Union and the United States imposed restrictions on Mr. Tandja's government and stopped some development aid.

The Economic Community of West African States had also suspended Niger.